Localized energy solution for district cooling system in Hong Kong

Hong Kong District Cooling DHY Joint Venture (HKDC JV), a JV in which idtchina is responsible for Operation and Management (O&M), was awarded an 8+8 -year design, build and operation (DBO) contract for the first public District Cooling System (DCS) in Hong Kong.

Located on the site of the former Hong Kong Kai Tak airport, the new Kai Tak district comprises a mixed development of offices, shops, hotels, schools and the new regional cruise hub. With a cooling capacity of 284MW, the facility is the first of its kind in Hong Kong to use chilled water as a cooling medium, replacing the traditional air-cooling methods for the air-conditioning system. A total cooling capacity of 81,000 RT (284 MW), derived from sea water helps to reduce the energy cost and environmental carbon footprint.
