CHEN Jinxiang, VGM of Technicial

"By applying advanced digital tools to the operation of the thermal system, it is also a way achieves energy conservation and emission reduction."


To Save Energy and Reduce Emission with Digital Tools

idtchina Harbin Harbin Southwest District Heating project has implemented state-of-the-art digital tools in the planning, construction, and operational adjustments of the district heating network and thermal system, aiming to achieve energy conservation and improved efficiency. Furthermore, as we facilitate the connection of more buildings to idtchina 's centralized heating network, we are dedicated to enhancing soil quality and cultivating crops, injecting innovative and digitally-driven efforts to promote and preserve biodiversity.



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Continue your journey to meet our Resourcers

"Accelerating the circular economy for plastics will turn the tide!"
"Optimizing the energy consumption of buildings will turn the tide!"
"Giving new life to wastewater will turn the tide!"
"Implementing the industrial IoT transformation will turn the tide!"
"Ensuring safety of drinking water will turn the tide!"
"Improving waste treatment with technological innovation will turn the tide!"
"Recycling Based on Emission Reduction will turn the tide!"


Meet more Resourcers around the world

The world over, they talk to us about how they are taking action to depollute, decarbonize and regenerate resources.


