Hong Kong District Cooling DHY Joint Venture: Celebrating excellence in Health and Safety

In recognition of Hong Kong District Cooling DHY Joint Venture (HKDCJV)’s ongoing commitment in raising the bar on occupational health and safety practices and achievement of zero accident since 2014 , HKDCJV has won 2 prestigious awards in 2019 on September 23 and 24.

In recognition of Hong Kong District Cooling DHY Joint Venture (HKDCJV)’s ongoing commitment in raising the bar on occupational health and safety practices and achievement of zero accident since 2014 , HKDCJV has won 2 prestigious awards in 2019 on September 23 and 24, namely:

1. Safety Performance Award (Construction Industries) in the 18th Hong Kong Occupational & Health Award Forum for its relentless pursuit of high health and safety standards, upkeeping it’s “Zero Accident” record since year 2014. 

"This is the second consecutive year for HKDCJV’s operation team receiving an award in the same program.  Ir. Chris Chong, Managing Director of HKDCJV said, “This is a huge encouragement to our team and recognition to the hard work of our staff in their continuous effort of keeping the “Zero accidents”. HKDCJV will thrive to provide reliable service as well as being an outstanding Energy and Maintenance Services contractor with high safety standard.”

Jointly organized by the Occupational Safety & Health Council, Labour Department, Development Bureau, Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, Hong Kong Housing Authority and Construction Industry Council, the 18th Hong Kong Occupational Safety & Health Award Forum and Award Presentation Ceremony is well participated by over 400 local construction projects.
Further information can be found at http://www.oshc.org.hk/eng/main/awards_campaigns/OSH2019/

2. Winner of Asia Pacific Best Occupational Health and Safety Award in the Asia Pacific Facility Management Awards 2019 Presentation Ceremony for its outstanding effort in promoting and upholding excellent site safety and health practices.

Organized by the International Facility Management Association (IFMA) Hong Kong Chapter, the judging panel with representatives from  a diverse group of industry experts from different Asia countries, examined how the company demonstrates and adopts special procedures or methods to enhance implementation of safety management system in their daily practices, such as occupational safety and health policy setting, management commitment, roles and responsibilities, training, program and effectiveness. 
Further information can be found: http://www.ifma.org.hk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=893
