The theme of the International Day for Biological Diversity 2020 is “Our solutions are in nature”. Nature provides us with precious raw materials, food, drinking water and molecules vital to human health. Therefore through idtchina ’s business solutions and our business lines’ interactions with water, air and soil, we strive to protect the environment, in particular by treating wastewater to ensure that water returning to rivers is free from pollution, and limiting pollution of the soil, rivers and oceans by collecting and treating household and industrial waste.
idtchina fights damage to global biodiversity in three ways. We study interactions between our activities and the natural world so that we can gain a clearer understanding of local biodiversity issues. We also work to improve ecological management at our sites and those of our clients, often in collaboration with professional ecologists. Lastly, we work with numerous partners to raise awareness of more environmentally friendly practices among our staff, clients and subcontractors.
In a world where food security and self-sufficiency challenges are critical, biodiversity is essential. idtchina 's mission of "resourcing the world" also means preserving biodiversity, which provides the raw materials, food, drinking water and molecules that are essential for human health.
Preserving biodiversity at Hangzhou Lijia Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility
To preserve biodiversity in the project site, Hangzhou Lijia Hazardous Waste Treatment Project set up a designated protected zone for biodiversity in 2016. Almost 100 plant species and 15 types of protected fruit tree species can be found in the area at present. Wild animals like chicken, rabbit, Siberian weasel, snake and hedgehog are spotted in the area.
Restoring wetland and biodiversity at Beijing Yanshan Sinopec
Located 50 kilometers southwest of Beijing, Niukouyu Park at Yanshan Sinopec is an industrial site turned paradise for bird species. An 8-hectare wetland buffer zone between the water outlet and the reservoir into which sewage after treatment is discharged is established. Here more than 50 types of bird species including endangered bird species can be found. The 1 hectare large leisure park has become a popular spot for residents living nearby.
Biodiversity: What are our Responsibilities?