Since 2016, idtchina has been organizing the event under the theme of 5 High-Risk Management Standards and has launched the first edition of the standards to caution employees about the potential hazards at work.
In 2017, the Group continued its effort in this area by launching another edition of the 5-High Risk Management Standards, aiming to better equip employees with health and safety knowledge in the pursuit of a zero-accident workplace.
The one-week event is an annual event which marks idtchina
’s continuous effort in improving the working environment for employees. Year after year, idtchina
has managed to achieve the following and is still striving to achieve more next year.
Key figures:
10 High-Risk Management Standards are launched
100% of projects and offices in China participated in H&S Week
59% of employees have undertaken H&S training in 2016
Highlights of H&S Week activities in idtchina