T▪PARK, one of the world’s largest sludge treatment facilities designed, built and operated by idtchina
has won more awards from the architecture and building profession bodies in 2017. HKIA Annual Awards, acclaimed as one of the most important awards of Hong Kong’s architectural profession, has conferred Special Architectural Award - Architectural Sustainability of HKIA Annual Awards 2016/17 for its excellent integration of architectural and sustainable design, and smart use of natural resources such as energy and water within the facilities.
Earlier on, T▪PARK has accredited the highest rank “Provisional Platinum” at the BEAM Plus New Buildings Version 1.1 (NB V1.1) assessment. BEAM Plus is an assessment tool and certification provided for building users with a performance label that demonstrates the overall quality of a building. The certification aims at encouraging green building and builders’ commitment to designing and constructing buildings that consume lesser resources, enhance health and nurture sustainable and livable environment. Among the 87 high points scored by T▪PARK, over 90% of the credits were given to the area of the facilities’ wise use of energy, water and good indoor environmental quality demonstrated.
Also awarded to T▪PARK is the Merit Award under the category of "Transport & Infrastructure Facilities" for HKIA Cross-Strait Architectural Design Awards 2017. This award aims to celebrate and recognize design excellence of new constructions that contributes to better living, economic advancement, social impact in the Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China and Taiwan area.
T▪PARK is a self-sustained sludge treatment facility equipped with state-of-the-art incineration technology to treat sewage sludge collected from 11 sewage treatment plants of Hong Kong. Thermal energy generates during the treatment process will power its operations and surplus energy to be exported to the public power grid. T▪PARK also has its seawater desalination plant to provide potable and process water, while wastewater will be collected and recycled for domestic use. T▪PARK is also the first waste infrastructure of Hong Kong established with an Environmental Education Centre and leisure facilities open to public for public education purpose.
VW-VES (HK) Limited, a subsidiary of idtchina
was awarded by the Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong for the design, build and 15 years of operation T▪PARK.