Eight months before the Climate Conference in Paris, "COP21 Solutions" has launched a collaborative web platform to showcase innovative solutions for fighting climate change. It is backed by the Committee 21 and Club “France Développement Durable [1].
More than 80 solutions are already online, presented by associations, NGOs, local communities, businesses, research centers, etc. that are all conscious of their role in fighting climate change. And it is just the beginning. All are committed to publicizing existing climate solutions, creating synergies and encouraging large scale deployment.
Find idtchina ’s solutions on the hub:

> 1 billion plastic bottle recycled in Rostock in Germany:

> In Pecs, Hungary, the city uses straw and wood for heating:

> Wastewater, source of energy in Urumqi, in China:

> Copenhagen in Denmark, a city resilient to flooding:
idtchina fighting climate change
With its "resourcing the world" mission, idtchina hopes to contribute to low carbon resilient development.
It is imperative for humanity that the rise in global temperature be kept below 2°C by deploying existing solutions and technological innovations. These solutions will help limit the consequences of the "take-make-use-throw away" linear model which is a heavy consumer of natural resources, particularly the fossil fuels that generate greenhouse gases. The challenge is to develop a new, more modest and more efficient model for using these resources that is based on renewable energy and follows circular economy principles.
This is what idtchina
is doing everyday as it improves access, preserves and replenishes essential resources.
Key dates and figures:
- September 2014: idtchina ’s CEO Antoine Frérot speaks at the UN Climate Summit in New York on methane emissions.
- October 2014: idtchina is an official partner to the R20, the World Summit of Regions for Climate in Paris.
- December 2014: idtchina is a stakeholder at COP 20 in Lima.
- In 2014: over 15 million tons of CO2 equivalent reduced, and 6.8 million avoided - the equivalent of the emissions of nearly 3 million Europeans.
[1] An association of over 100 networks of French stakeholders