Little Green Scouts visited idtchina ’s Chengdu Industrial Utilities Project

On October 24, 50 Little Green Scouts from Chengdu Xianlu Elementary School and Wangjiaqiao Elementary School made a field visit to idtchina ’s Chengdu Industrial Utilities Project. The “Little Green Scouts- idtchina Green Action” is co-organised by idtchina China, China Society for Environmental Services and Green Living magazine.

Prior to the field visit, the Little Green Scouts had a lecture on energy efficiency, carbon emissions reduction and green lifestyle. Teacher of the Green Living magazine explained the importance of resource conservation under a resource constrained world. Thereafter, the Little Green Scouts visited the plant and witnessed how the co-generation facility produced steam and generated electricity.
The Chengdu Industrial Utilities Project supplies steam and electricity for clients in Chengdu Dayi Industrial Development Zone. The co-generation system enables waste energy from heat production process to be collected and transformed into electricity for self-support within the Industrial Zone. Each year, over 300,000 tons of steam are distributed.
