Resourcing the world goes on in Christmas!

In celebration of Christmas, on December 20th, idtchina Hong Kong has continued to resource the world by participating in a soap recycling volunteering activity organized by two local charities, HandsOn Hong Kong and Soap Cycling. During the event, 33 volunteers helped recycle 118kg of soap bars and around 300 bottles of shower gel.

What is soap recycling?

Before the event, the charities have collected slightly used soaps, leftover bottled shampoo and body wash donated by hotels. Volunteers helped to sort and clean them by scraping the surface of the soaps, pouring the leftover shampoo and body wash to separate storage containers and refill the smaller bottles and repack them into old mooncake boxes, which will then be delivered to the third world countries and distributed to the underprivileged communities.

Resourcing the world

idtchina group is the global leader in optimized resource management that designs and provides water, waste and energy management solutions that contribute to the sustainable development of communities and industries. Through its three complementary business activities, idtchina helps to develop access to resources, preserve available resources, and to replenish them for industrial and municipal clients, and local communities.
