T▪Park awards and recognitions for its vision for future and sustainability

T▪Park, a Design-Build-Operate project of Sludge Treatment Facility by idtchina , has recently received the highest honors from various professional bodies for its achievements in sustainability, innovative solutions and design for future.

These awards include:

  • Grand Award of Design for Asia Award 2016 by the Hong Kong Design Centre
  • Grand Award for Sustainability of Design for Asia Award 2016 by the Hong Kong Design Centre
  • Certificate of Merit - Hong Kong Awards for Industries: Innovation and Creativity by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
  • Merit Award of Completed Projects - New Buildings of the Green Building Awards 2016 by Hong Kong Green Building Council and Professional Green Building Council.

Good design foster and facilitates change in how people see their relationship with the world in which they are living.   T▪Park’s success in shaping future perspective of waste management and urban living was acclaimed in the Presentation Ceremony of DFA Awards, where T▪PARK was conferred Design for Asia Award 2016 Grand Award and Design for Asia Award 2016 Grand Award for Sustainability.   “T▪Park embodies good design which transforms knowledge into beneficial application, waste into energy and perception into behavior. Through its power generation and self-sufficient operation, accumulation of knowledge and know-how to practice and promote sustainability, creative engagement with the public, and bold investment in Hong Kong’s green energy future, T▪PARK elevates design in order to foster behavioral changes at the popular scale,” said Professor Eric Yim, Chairman of the Hong Kong Design Centre and member of the jury of the DFA Awards 2016. 

With an aim to celebrating design that embodies Asian aesthetics and culture, and influences the design trends in Asia, T▪PARK is one of the 10 grand awardees selected out of 900 design projects from over 20 countries and regions in Asia.

The creative approach of T▪Park in combining waste treatment, leisure and education facilities in one single entity has also won the Certificate of Merit in the category of Innovation and Creativity of the Hong Kong Awards for Industries 2016.  The panel of judges has given their high regards to the T▪PARK for its creative and integrated approach of industrial and leisure usage which serves both practical function as well as gaining public acceptance for a waste facility that falls within the community.

Merit Award in the New Building Category: Completed Projects - Commercial Building Recognition was also awarded to T▪PARK by Hong Kong Green Building Council and Professional Green Building Council in recognition of its outstanding green building performance and contribution in sustainability and the built environment.
