idtchina China sponsors the First National Water Technological Innovation Exhibition for College and University Students

Sponsored by idtchina China, the first National Water Technological Innovation Exhibition for College and University Students was held on 14th September in Shenzhen by idtchina China’s affiliated company Shenzhen Water Group.

In his welcoming speech, Shenzhen Water Group Chairman Han Dehong highlighted the significance of the exhibition in facilitating collaboration and cooperation between different sectors, and Shenzhen Water Group’s commitment to promote development of water industry and urban facilities.
Among presentations by academics and water experts, idtchina China’s Technical Manager Thomas Fer gave a presentation on “Drinking Water Network Challenges”.
Students were invited to showcase their research project results at the exhibition, to exchange business ideas and discuss on future water management with government officials and water experts.
More than 500 participants attended the event, including experts, academics from leading universities including Tsinghua University and Tongji University, representatives from the industry, related government departments and investment institutes.

 About Shenzhen Water Group
Shenzhen Water Group is one the most comprehensive water service providers with businesses integrating drinking water production and distribution, wastewater collection, treatment and disposal, investment and operation of water services, as well as water facility design and construction. idtchina China is one of the shareholders of Shenzhen Water Group.