To facilitate that, idtchina fully supports “Nature Works HK”, a local initiative organised by the Nature Conservancy in fostering future environmental leaders in Hong Kong. The purpose of the program is to equip students with environmental competency, leadership skills, practical, real world experience for pragmatic solutions required to develop and execute their own real world community projects. The program was launched back in 2015 Easter where students would be provided with a series of workshops and mentorship to prepare themselves for the Project Pitch Day in July 4 to answer media enquiries and present to the jury their ideas for solutions to HK’s most pressing environmental problems. This is a crucial stage in determining which most-voted for project will receive further funding and be brought to fruition as the program now moves on to the communication outreach stage to encourage voting.
’s involvement in “Nature Works HK” is fourfold. As the main sponsor, idtchina
provides financial support for the program; As advisors, idtchina
shares its technical expertise in optimized resource management and lends practical fundamental business skills to students for future real world application; As speakers, employees of idtchina
give skill-based talks at workshops; As jury, idtchina
reviews and assesses the business case of students’ projects. Through supporting this program, idtchina
hopes to enable youth to become agents of change together for sustainable development.
More information regarding the projects is available on
You can show your support by casting your vote at the same link.