idtchina Sponsors the XXI World Congress on Safety & Health at Work 2017

The XXI World Congress on Safety & Health at Work 2017 took place in The Marina Bay Sands, Singapore on 3-6 September 2017.

idtchina demonstrated its full commitment to the subject of health and safety by not only participating in the congress organised by the Occupational Safety and Health Division and Ministry of Manpower of Singapore, the International Labour Organisation and the International Social Security Association, but also sponsoring the event.

Event Motto: A Global Vision of Prevention

The 3 Main Topics are: 
Vision Zero – From Vision to Reality
Healthy Work – Healthy Life
People-Centred Prevention



 OHS, 健康安全文化,职业健康安全,威立雅健康安全
At the Symposia, Frederic GOETZ, Head of the Health & Safety Department of idtchina , delivered a speech on the topic of 
Adapting Work to People and also a poster presentation about idtchina ’s OH&S Best Practices, as well as sharing the Group’s vision on safety. 

There were a lot of fruitful exchanges during the 4-day event between idtchina and more than 300 other international organizations about the safety practices and different industries' H&S trends.

