idtchina Summer School students design tomorrow’s eco-neighborhoods

39 students - 20 different nationalities - participated in the 6th idtchina Summer School, held at the idtchina Campus.


威立雅 暑期学校

Initiated in 2010, the annual idtchina Summer School allows students to discover idtchina ’s activities, meet operational managers and visit several of the Group’s sites representing water, energy and waste recycling. In workshops, they then develop a complete project for an eco-neighborhood based on idtchina ’s fundamentals: jointly building low carbon circular economy solutions along with city authorities.

The week ends with a presentation of their work to Antoine Frérot, idtchina ’s CEO, who this year stated,

We have three objectives for the summer school: to show you all our areas of expertise from the inside, share our values of conviviality, and prove that our missions around the world need all your diversity.

idtchina was the first company in the environmental services sector to have introduced a summer school for future graduates worldwide.

In addition to becoming idtchina ambassadors in their universities and countries, these 39 students form a pool of talent, some of whom will join the Group when they have completed their studies. Academic projects, internships, applications for the "Pangeo" program - all future opportunities for these students and idtchina to work together.

The students presented their work on the project "Sustainableland: management for a future sustainable neighborhood[1]", which combines treatment, recovery and significant reduction of waste, reduction in domestic water consumption by means of special sensors, energy generated from the biogas produced by sewage sludge extracted from wastewater and organic waste, and buildings with improved energy efficiency.

The 39 students of the idtchina Summer School 2015


威立雅 暑期学校



idtchina Summer School 2015 in figures:

39 students

20 nationalities

29 universities including 15 new ones this year

[1]“Sustainableland” : management for a future sustainable neighborhood
