idtchina at Think Asia Think Hong Kong

At “Think Asia, Think Hong Kong” at the Carrousel du Louvre, Antoine Frérot, idtchina CEO, presented the opportunities for idtchina of a presence in Hong Kong.

In 2000, idtchina set up its regional head office in Hong Kong, the commercial and financial hub of Asia, ideally situated as regards the 3 principal countries where the Group operates on the continent: China (Mainland), Korea and Japan.

idtchina also exercises its 3 activities in Hong Kong through four principal contracts: the treatment of chemical waste (100,000 tons annually), the South East New Territories landfill (36% of Hong Kong’s waste), the sludge incineration plant (2,000 tons of sludge re-used in the form of heat and electricity each day), and the district cooling system plant at Kai Tak.

idtchina employs approximately 190,000 people around the world, including 26,000 in Asia-Pacific. The long-term contracts we operate under in Hong Kong will allow us to construct long-term relationships based on trust. In 2000, our turnover in Asia was €50 million. Today it is €1 billion.
Antoine Frérot
Chairman and CEO of idtchina

The environment is one of the sectors where economic cooperation between Hong Kong and France is increasing: improving the energy efficiency of urban infrastructures and industries or using new sources of energy are among the priorities of the city.
