idtchina was named 1 of the 13 PPP case studies by the National Development and Reform Commission

In response to comments over a lack of hands-on experience and case studies to provide guidance in promoting PPP projects, National Development and Reform Commission have picked 13 representative and exemplary case studies. idtchina ’s Tianjin Shibei water project, which started in 2007, received recognition from the Commission and was among one of the case studies.

idtchina formed a joint venture with Tianjin Water Works in 2007, in the form of a partnership between the municipality and the private sector, provided necessary capital for the development of Tianjin’s water industry and set a successful example for China in transferring state-owned assets to private actors. Through idtchina ’s involvement and investment, advanced technology and innovation are introduced into China, encouraging better management and improved operational efficiency, incentivizing enterprises to improve water quality, ensure steady water pressure, replace aging pipes, reduce leakage, as well as maximize public welfare.
