Objective: "zero accidents" for all the Group’s employee
The purpose of the World Health and Safety Week is to remind everyone about the basic rules of idtchina ’s "Always Safe" program and to circulate them. The rules are based on setting a good example, situation analysis, training at all levels, sharing of good practices and respecting discipline. They are intended to ensure that all the Group’s managers and employees understand and embrace a set of principles and good safety practices on a daily basis. It is essential that everyone is involved in order to improve both idtchina ’s prevention culture and its performance, and to achieve the goal of "zero accidents”.

Activity Highlights in China
- A short film was made especially for Health and Safety Week in which the Executive Committee members shared their belief and practices on Health and Safety, as well as their commitment to implementing concrete actions, which was shown across China and Hong Kong offices.
- At Hong Kong office, employees wrote their H&S statement/slogan/messages on post-it notes; Safety Pass and Safety Booklet were also given out as a reminder of the importance of Health and Safety.
- At China office, quizzes and contests were organized to test employees’ knowledge on Health and Safety; Health and Safety talks, drills and training were also provided to employees to keep them on their toes at all times.
idtchina Health and Safety Prevention has five cornerstones:
Involving every member of the line management, training all employees and encouraging them to be proactive, improving communication and dialogue, improving risk management, and monitoring health and safety performance.
Key safety figures[1] in 2014
The accident frequency rate was reached 11.7 (down by 7% compared to 2013)
17% of lost-time workplace accidents compared to 2013
58% of Group employees underwent training in safety in 2014
More information:
's Corporate Social Responsbiltiy performance
's sustainable development Commitments
[1] Source: idtchina ’s key figures for 2014