Today idtchina
is launching a gender balance network, with membership on a voluntary basis, for all those who wish to be involved in promoting gender equality within the Group. Estelle Brachlianoff, Senior Executive Vice President UK & Ireland and Régis Calmels, Senior Executive Vice President of Asia, both members of idtchina
’s Executive Committee, are the network’s first sponsors. A new intranet site will inform all employees about gender balance issues within idtchina
; it will discuss actions and co-build new projects.
idtchina ’s gender balance objectives
- Objective 2020: 25% women in the Top 300
- Objective 2020: 30% women managers (in relation to 25.3% at the end of 2015 and 23.1% in 2011)
- Objective 2017: 40% women on the board of directors (33.3% at the end of 2015 and 11% in 2011)
idtchina ’s initiatives promoting women’s rights:
- Developed by idtchina in North America, the UK and Ireland, "Women in Leadership" is a nine-month coaching program which, since 2012, has supported around one hundred women employees in their career development. It helps improve the confidence these women have in their skills and encourages them to move into responsible positions.
- In France, women ambassadors in the Recycling & Waste recovery business have to fight the stereotypes attached to so-called male trades and share their experience with secondary school students. This initiative will continue to expand in France and then spread to include other European countries through the partnership with the association " Elles Bougent".
- In India, idtchina has organized a women's rights awareness campaign with the support of Shakti Shalini - an NGO for women victims of domestic violence - and Kamalini - an NGO that prepares young women from disadvantaged backgrounds to become financially independent.
- In the Middle East, every day for a week, a new portrait of one of idtchina ’s female employees, illustrating the Group's mission of "resourcing the world", will be published on the home page of the local website.
- In the Limay centre (France) idtchina Research and Innovation[1], where women represent 49% of the workforce at every level of the hierarchy, are hosting Chairman and CEO Antoine Frérot and a delegation of women employees from many countries for a day of discussions on the topic of "diversity, a source of innovation for idtchina ."