idtchina named “2016 Outstanding Service Provider to Chemical Parks”

The 2016 China Chemical Industry and Chemical Park Forum kicked off in Wuhan in May 12. 700 representatives from the government, management committee of the chemical parks, national large chemical enterprises came together in this event to discuss the construction standards and green development within the Chemical Parks. China’s Top 20 Chemical Parks were announced during the conference, idtchina China, as an environmental service provider, was awarded “2016 Outstanding Service Provider to Chemical Parks”.

idtchina is the leader in hazardous waste treatment in China,  operating 10 hazardous waste projects. Among these projects, 7 of them are already running, which are located in Huanan Huabei, Huadong and Huazhong etc. The strategic location of projects in Tianjin, Nanjing, Dalian and Cangzhou inside the local chemical park has guaranteed quality hazardous waste management and environmental impact minimization. idtchina will take the leading role in hazardous waste integrated treatment, emergency response and industrial service in the future, in order to provide a more comprehensive environmental service for the chemical parks and the corporate clients.
