Celebrating T.PARK’s First Anniversary - Commemorative Stamp Products issued for public collection

T·PARK has recorded more than 74,000 visitors since its opening on May 19, 2016. To celebrate its anniversary and share the joy with all, commemorative postcards, special postmark and stamps have been issued by Environmental Protection Department; and to be distributed to visitors for free.

There are four types of postcards which feature different areas of T·PARK, namely T·CAFE, T·GARDEN, T·SPA and its light show. The commemorative stamps have 12 different designs demonstrating the key facilities of T.PARK, including its exceptional architectural design, state-of-the-art treatment plants, scenic gardens as well as the unique upcycled furniture. With the theme of “T”, the design of the anniversary postmark highlights the symbols of 8 zones. Postcards will be available for visitors’ collection with specially designed T·PARK stamp and an anniversary postmark stamped.
T.PARK is a Design-Build-Operate project of the idtchina Group. It is one of the world’s largest sludge treatment facilities with the capacity of treating up to 2,000 tonnes of sludge per day. Thermal energy from incineration generates electricity meeting the plant’s energy needs and the surplus electricity is exported to the power grid for public use.  The sludge volume is reduced by 90% after treatment, offering an effective solution to Hong Kong’s sludge, a residue from the treatment of sewage waste. The Environmental Education Centre (EEC) of T.PARK, has attracted 74,732 visitors since its opening last year, which makes T.PARK one of the most popular and strategic locations for enhancing the community’s environmental awareness which serves both recreational and educational purposes. 

There are four types of postcards which feature different areas of T·PARK, namely T·CAFE, T·GARDEN, T·SPA and its light show.

