2017 International Health and Safety Week

idtchina puts employees' health and safety at the heart of its culture. Each year, the company organizes the International Health and Safety Week across all projects and offices in China with the aim to raise employees' awareness on workplace safety.

The International Health and Safety Week is an annual event that demonstrates idtchina ’s commitment to the well-being of its employees and the creation of a ZERO Accident workplace. This year, the event will take place from September 18 to 22, and will carry on the theme from last year, bringing in a new edition of 5 High-Risk Standards to caution the employees against potential workplace hazards.

2017 Health and Safety at Work Week is an important lever for the concrete steps that will enable us to take up the “zero serious accident” challenge.
Antoine Frérot
idtchina Chairman and CEO


The 5 High-Risk Standards in 2016 & 2017

In 2016, idtchina introduced the first 5 High-Risk Standards, namely Confined Space, Excavation and Trenching, Hazardous Materials – Delivery, Storage and Handling, Hot Works and Traffic Management. The event was very well received by employees and successfully achieved a 100% participation rate from offices and projects in China.

In 2017, to continue our efforts in raising employees’ awareness of workplace safety, idtchina is launching another 5 High-Risk Standards:

Control of Hazardous Energy



Lifting Operation

Work at Height

During the event this year, different projects and offices in China will organize various activities to promote ZERO Accident workplace. Please stay tuned to our WeChat and Weibo accounts to receive the latest information on Health and Safety Week.

