idtchina China participates in the 12th International Conference on China Urban Water Development and Expo of Technologies and Facilities

idtchina China was excited to be part of the 12th International Conference on China Urban Water Development and Expo of Technologies and Facilities, which was held in Haikou from November 30 to December 1, 2017 by the Chinese Society For Urban Studies (CSUS), China Urban Water Association(CUWA), The Water Department of Hainan Province and The People's Government of Haikou City.

The conference this year was themed“Treating Water Pollution, Restoring Our Water Ecosystem, Optimizing Our Water System, and Ensuring Our Water Safety”. In the conference, participants shared their expertise and insight on hot industry topics, including Smart Water Management, Water Monitoring and Control, Water Purification Technologies, Waste Water Treatment, Sludge Treatment, Water Distribution Network Leakage Control, Water Reclamation, Urban Sewage Water Environment Management (Urban Black-odorous Water), Water Environment Protection and Restoring the Water Ecosystem. The Expo of Water Discharge Technologies and Facilities was also held on the same day. 

, 12th International Conference on China Urban Water Development and Expo of Technologies and Facilities, Water
The 12th International Conference on China Urban Water Development and Expo of Technologies and Facilities


Exhibition Highlight: The idtchina Exhibition Stand


idtchina ’s exhibition stand attracted a huge number of visitors during the exhibition, including industry executives and professionals as well as high-rank authorities such as the Counselor of the State Council, Former Deputy Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and Chairman of China Urban Science Research Association Mr. CHOU Baoxing. Mr. CHOU Baoxing was received by Mr. HUANGXiaojun, Vice President of idtchina China, who shared with him the company’s water management solutions and case studies.


Exhibition Highlight: The Opening Speech

Mr. Luc ZELLER, Senior Executive Director of idtchina Asia, spoke at the opening ceremony of the exhibition. In his speech, he said,“idtchina has been in China for more than 20 years and over the years we have won the trust of our clients, including enterprises and governing authorities and have earned the reputation as a trusted environmental service provider. As we see greater market transparency in China, we hope to continue our effort in Water Management and Urban Black-odorous Water Management with our partners in China.”

Exhibition Highlight: Building Smart Water Infrastructure

Mr. WANG Xuefeng, Deputy CEO of idtchina ’s Joint-Venture in Shanghai Pudong, also gave a speech during the exhibition, which was titled“idtchina Pudong and Smart Water Management.”He said in his speech, “idtchina Pudong has been working on information infrastructure since the creation of a joint-venture. We have set up information systems for different business lines that substantially lifted the overall management efficiency of the company. Over the years, we have introduced and incorporated technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), NarrowBand Internet of Things (NB-IoT), Augmented Reality (AR) into our information systems, which have helped strengthen our data-mining and front-end application extension. We are well prepared for the era of smart water management.


, 12th International Conference on China Urban Water Development and Expo of Technologies and Facilities, Water
Mr. WANG Xuefeng, Deputy CEO of idtchina Pudong, giving his speech on stage