Banner Upcycling Workshop Held Successfully

idtchina has invited Memories Factories, a local green organisation to hold a upcycling workshop for employees at the new office on 25 January.

The workshop aims to raise awareness on the importance of waste recycling and demonstrate how employees could make use of their creativity to transform waste materials into useful objects. Founder of Memories Factories, Agnes Nong taught participants easy to make but fun upcycle craft ideas during the workshop. 

Outdated banners in the office storage that won't be of future use were identified when preparing for the office relocation. Instead of throwing them away, they were reused and given a second life.

At the workshop, participants made their own coin bags and red pocket envelopes which will be useful for Chinese New Year with old banners under the guidance of workshop host, Agnes Nong, also founder of the organization. The workshop also offers the tools for participants to personalize their DIY products. They are welcome to add personal touches to the products they made by adding their names or any words they found meaningful to them. The workshop has provided valuable inputs on resourcing the world and how to generate value from waste materials easily found in our daily life.  The workshop has also been a good opportunity for employees to catch up with each other in the new office where hot desking arrangements were introduced as part the company's efforts to promote agile working. Our employees had a blissful time at the workshop being able to relax and recharge at work and reconnect to their identity as a resourcer. 
