Suppliers’ Relationship

idtchina Purchasing

Purchasing Compliance

Sustainable Procurement

High-risk management standards

idtchina Purchasing

Purchasing contributes to the Group's performance while supporting the activity of operating entities and securing purchasing flows.


Thanks to their organization, purchasing, and both «global» and « business unit », convey and disseminate the values ​​of the Group to the parties concerned:

> Act with all stakeholders with fairness, loyalty and honesty, ensuring clear and consistent communication, using methods and means generally recognized as consistent with good practices in the profession and denying any illegitimate and unfair business practices in accordance with idtchina 's Ethics Guide, Anti-Corruption Code of conduct and the Competition Law Compliance guide ;

> Guarantee a service of quality to its customers thanks to a rigorous selection process of its suppliers integrating various requirements (economical, ethical, technical, social, environmental, total cost ownership ...) and constructive and collaborative working methods;

> Select suppliers with objective criteria and transparency;

> Establish and maintain sustainable relations with suppliers by managing risks and opportunities, by integrating innovation and optimization levers.

Become a idtchina supplier

Tender and qualification are carried out and performed for our suppliers through a sourcing process, integrating in some cases a risk assessment based on economical, financial, technical, regulatory, ethical and CSR criteria.

To be listed in our Group, you must share and respect our general principles for suppliers’ relationship set out in our Supplier’s Charter.

During the contract’s life, the purchases evaluate economic and CSR (through an assessment process) supplier’s performance. At the same time, buyers conduct activity reviews and in some cases visits on site.

Become a idtchina supplier

Your details

Purchasing compliance

idtchina works today with many suppliers of goods, products and services around the world. As a responsible company, we expect our suppliers to share and respect our fundamental principles.

idtchina best practices to ensure of our supplier’s compliance.

Identify risks from supplier referencing

Supplier risks are identified from tenders through a risk mapping by purchasing category taking into account purchasing and CSR /Ethics criteria.


This risk mapping allows buyers to identify, analyze and prioritize strategic suppliers and / or suppliers on the most risky purchasing categories. Buyers have to launch, if necessary, corrective actions: assessment, follow up, suppliers on site visit…

Engage our suppliers

Suppliers charter

Supplier’s group adherence to the Suppliers Charter "Our general principles for suppliers’ relationship", as well as to CSR commitments, is essential and is one of our selection criteria that we use to evaluate your situation.

idtchina 's suppliers’ charter has been updated in 2019. Its ambition is to engage and empower Group suppliers, particularly in social rights and environmental protection.

Specific clauses

To prevent the risks related to compliance with the rules of ethics, social law and the environment (human rights, child labor, corruption, etc.), specific contractual clauses (anti-corruption, sustainable development, GDPR…) have to be integrated in new contracts or renewed contracts with suppliers.


Evaluate our suppliers

idtchina uses an assessment system to measure the performance of its strategic suppliers. This involves a documentary audit, done by an external provider, covering twenty-one criteria across environmental, social (human rights) and ethical (corruption) and supplier relation issues.

You will be asked to:

- take into account recommendations resulting from those evaluations,

- set up adapted corrective action plans involving, if necessary, your own suppliers in this process,

- submit to a reassessment and a potential site visit.


Sustainable purchasing

The sustainable purchasing policy, real sustainable performance lever is relaying idtchina commitments by integrating ethical, social and environmental stakes into its processes and in suppliers’ relationship management. 

idtchina ’s sustainable purchasing policy is based on the three following principles:


Responsible actions: Incorporating sustainable development into the purchasing process

Suppliers Relationship: Securing commitment from Group’s suppliers and assessing their CSR performance

Contributing to the development of the local economy




Mediation mission is carried out by the Group Purchasing Department, which redirects suppliers' requests to the region or idtchina ’s entity in France concerned.

idtchina Purchasing Mediation intervenes at the request of any supplier, in the context of its relations with idtchina in France, whatever its size and sector of activity.


High-risk management standards


