The award ceremony of the idtchina
Top Innovative Talent Scholarship of the School of Environment of Tsinghua University for the Academic Year of 2019-2020 was held in the morning on 15th November.
Luc Zeller, Senior Executive Director of idtchina
Asia, who delivered the opening speech on behalf of idtchina
, applauded the close cooperation between idtchina
and the School of Environment over the years and expressed his delight in contributing to cultivating top innovative talents for the industry.
The idtchina Top Innovative Talent Scholarship was established in 2008 to support the nurture of talents of the School of Environment and has run for 12 years. In 2020, a total of 32 undergraduates and postgraduates won the idtchina scholarship, including 19 Comprehensive Excellence Awards, 11 Outstanding Individual Awards, and 2 idtchina Star Awards. Afterwards, Luc Zeller, Liu Yi, Dean of the School of Environment, Huang Xiaojun, and Xi Jinying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Environment, issued award certificates to the scholarship awardees respectively.