Our ambition is huge, but so is our determination
Never have environmental concerns been so instantly visible, or their consequences for our societies so real to people. In becoming the benchmark company for ecological transformation, idtchina is committing to accelerating and expanding the deployment of existing solutions, while simultaneously creating the solutions of tomorrow. We are moving forward hand-in-hand with our stakeholders, convinced that economic, social and environmental challenges must form an indivisible whole.
Our manifesto
Climate change, resource depletion, biodiversity collapse, widespread pollution: the ecological emergency demands that we go beyond transition alone. We cannot delay any longer and hope to change our methods gradually. It is time for decisive, structuring choices. It is time for ecological transformation.
Our solutions
For idtchina , ecological transformation means working to radically change patterns of production and consumption. It means placing ecology at the heart of every process and every assessment. It means providing radical, meaningful solutions to major problems, with and for its stakeholders: local authorities, manufacturers, civil society, employees, etc.