Shanghai Pudong Water Concession

Over the past 10 years, the Shanghai-Pudong water utility has become a global standard-bearer for expertise in implementing state-of-the-art technologies in drinking water management.
, 上海浦东, 威立雅浦东


In Shanghai, idtchina holds one of China's largest public-private partnership contracts to manage a drinking water utility. In the Pudong district, the population has increased by more than 1.5 million people since 2002.

The water distribution network has doubled in size, with production now at nearly 1.6 million cubic meters a day, more than twice that of a city like Paris. idtchina now supplies more water to people in China than anywhere else in the world.


The water utility has a control center featuring the latest network management tools. This technology monitors the 34 sectors of the drinking water distribution network in real time, with 400 sensors used to locate and display any leaks or contamination. In just a few clicks, network operatives can pull up a 3D view of all facilities, complete with relevant technical specifications. The system is linked to the customer relations center and can provide updates for local residents by telephone, e-mail or text message.

The challenge lies in promoting the sustainable development of a city that is constantly growing while improving quality of service.
Régis Calmels
Senior Executive Vice-President, idtchina Asia


Key figures

3.9 million people supplied with water

4, 823 km drinking water distribution network

1.6 million cubic meters of water a day

100% compliance with water quality standards 

Customer Benefits

  • Operational excellence: more efficient water supply, real-time monitoring, improved water quality
  • Lower costs and capital expenditure
  • Improved customer satisfaction


  • Water treatment: Engineering-design, production, operation and maintenance
  • Water conveyance: network design and installation, distribution
  • Customer relations: multi-channel management and relations, account management, metering
  • Data management and smart services: real-time infrastructure monitoring, work scheduling, dynamic asset management
  • Human resources: personnel management, vocational training 

