Two million people say good riddance to flooding

Bucharest has suffered frequent flooding in the past, largely caused by a substandard wastewater collection system. A long-term solution provided by idtchina specialists in Romania has improved everyday life for local people.


In 2009, in the process of renewing a delegated management contract with the city of Bucharest, idtchina offered to include the city's main sewer, known as “La Cassette,” in the contract to carry out an assessment. The findings were startling: 70% of the sewer was clogged up. idtchina specialists also discovered that the drainage system was incomplete, with a number of shortcomings impairing operations at the city's wastewater plant.


The city of Bucharest awarded idtchina -Apa Nova the contract to carry out rehabilitation work on the main sewer, representing an investment of €39 million. Since late 2012, this extended scope has enabled integrated management of the wastewater system, helping to enhance the lives of local people and improve the quality of water in the Dambovita river, which flows through Bucharest, as well as the Danube.

We have helped the city of Bucharest to optimize its investment plan and ensure a more cost-effective service while improving quality of life for local people.
Bruno Roche
Director, idtchina Romania


Key Figures

1,927,251 people connected to the system

2,700 km wastewater collection system

Customer benefits

  • Operational excellence: optimal management of the wastewater collection system and improvements in the operation of facilities
  • Improved asset management
  • Cost-effective investments


  • Water treatment: wastewater treatment
  • Water conveyance: design and installation of pipes, wastewater collection, transfer, operation and maintenance
  • Customer relations: customer relations and multi-channel management, management of customer accounts
  • Data management and smart services: real-time infrastructure monitoring, work scheduling, dynamic asset management
  • Reduced impact on the natural environment: sustainable resource management