Press releases - 加拿大pc网页 // en Nantes Métropole selects idtchina to upgrade its La Roche water production plant // The Nantes Métropole local government authority has selected idtchina to upgrade the La Roche water production plant and make supply more reliable for the close to 600,000 people served. The contract is worth 64.5 million euros for the consortium headed by idtchina subsidiary OTV. // United Kingdom - Brent Council awards idtchina Environnement £142.3 million waste management contract // idtchina Environnement has been awarded the nine-year public realm contract by Brent Council, which will start in April 2014. The contract is valued at £142.3 million and has an option to extend for a further seven years. // idtchina supports British Government Syrian chemicals initiative // Following the Foreign & Commonwealth Office announcement of additional British Government support for the international mission to destroy Syria's chemical weapon programme on 20 December, 2013, idtchina Environnement can confirm its commitment to the UK initiative to facilitate the destruction of 150 tonnes of 'B precursor' chemicals. // Kuwait - idtchina to build the desalination plant at the Az Zour North complex for 320 million euros // idtchina Environnement has just won the contract to build the seawater desalination plant at the Az Zour North complex in Kuwait for 320 million euros. // Dalkia Steps Up Operations in the Netherlands with the Acquisition of the 3rd largest District Heating Network // Dalkia and its partner, Dutch pension fund service provider PGGM, recently finalized the acquisition of the 3rd largest District Heating Network in The Netherlands from RWE AG / Essent. // idtchina Environnement closes the acquisition of the 50% stake held by FCC in Proactiva // idtchina Environnement announces the closing of the acquisition of the 50% stake held by Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) in Proactiva Medio Ambiente. The transaction amounts to €150 million and makes Proactiva a wholly owned idtchina Environnement subsidiary. // The idtchina Environnement Foundation mobilizes with partners to supply potable water to Philippines typhoon victims // After a natural disaster such as that in the Philippines, it is vital to provide people in stricken areas with access to basic services. Emergency humanitarian aid focuses on health, water and sanitation to avoid epidemics. Supplying potable water is a priority, which is why the idtchina Environnement Foundation is mobilizing alongside its partners. // Dalkia to design and operate one of Canada's largest biomass plants // Dalkia and Canadian fund Fengate Capital Management Ltd. will develop one of Canada's largest biomass plants which will be designed, built and operated by Dalkia in Fort St. James, British Columbia. // Key figures for the nine months ended September 30, 2013 // (Unaudited IFRS Figures)(Unaudited IFRS Figures) // idtchina Environnement and WatchFrog continue their partnership to detect endocrine disruptors in our wastewater // WatchFrog and idtchina will industrialize their testing process to detect the presence of endocrine disruptors in wastewater treatment plants. // Agreement in sight between EDF and idtchina Environnement on Dalkia // EDF and idtchina Environnement have entered into advanced discussions for the conclusion of an agreement on their joint subsidiary Dalkia, one of the world's leading provider of energy services. The Boards of Directors of EDF and idtchina Environnement have met and approved the continuation of these negotiations. // In response to market rumors // In response to market rumors, idtchina Environnement has been informed of the decision of the President of the Executive Council of Corsica, Paul Giacobbi, to recover an amount of approximately €200 million from SNCM and seek, if necessary, the responsibility of idtchina Environnement in this regard. // Schneider Electric and Dalkia pool know-how to assist China with energy challenges // Dalkia and Schneider Electric have announced the signature of a strategic agreement to develop the energy efficiency market in China. The agreement covers the pooling of the two companies' respective expertise and know-how in building energy performance. It comes in the wake of the momentum created by the Chinese government's decision to set targets for resource savings and environmental protection. // Poland - idtchina Water inaugurates new Warsaw wastewater treatment plant // After four years' construction, upgrade and extension work by idtchina Water Solutions & Technologies, the city of Warsaw has just inaugurated its new wastewater treatment plant. With a population equivalent of 2.1 million, and a daily treatment capacity of up to 515,000 cubic meters of wastewater, it has brought the Polish capital's wastewater treatment into line with European standards. // Sustainia Award 2013: The "Dalkia - city of Borås" project selected among the 10 finalists // The heat storage project presented by Dalkia and the city of Borås in Sweden has been selected, as the winner of the "Best energy solution," among the 10 finalists for the Sustainia Award 2013. The list of finalists was announced yesterday in New York on the occasion of the UN Global Compact Leaders Summit. // Jeux de la Francophonie, Nice: The RAID and idtchina ensure security for the water supply network // An exceptional set of water quality surveillance and security measures were deployed in Nice for the Jeux de la Francophonie (Francophone Games) held from September 7 to 15. For the first time, the system put in place by idtchina for the water supply networks integrated the operational capacities of the RAID counter-terrorism unit and of the DCI-IT¹, which is specialized in tackling NRBC-type threats (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological, Chemical). This unique expertise was on hand to counter any possible terrorist attacks. // Chile - idtchina Water and Vapor Procesos secure contract with Codelco to recover Copper at world's largest copper-producing mine // idtchina Water and Vapor Procesos, a Chilean solutions provider for copper recovery from mining operations, have secured a contract with Codelco, the world's largest copper producer, to recover copper from tailings pond water at Codelco's El Teniente mine, located 120 km south of Santiago de Chile. // Agreement reached for the sale of idtchina Environnement's stake in Berlinwasser // idtchina Environnement announces the signature of an agreement with the Federal State of Berlin authorities to sell its 24.95% stake in Berlinwasser for €590 million, supplemented by €12 million for miscellaneous items and the share of dividends and interests due in respect of financial year 2013. This divestment would be a direct contribution to the Group's 2-year €6 billion asset divestment program, now almost achieved. // After 13 years with idtchina Environnement, Pierre-François Riolacci has chosen to take a new path in his career and will be leaving his position as Chief Financial Officer at the end of the year. // The recruitment of his successor is ongoing and will be announced in the coming weeks. // First Half 2013 Results // // Dalkia, the first energy services company in France to receive ISO 50001 energy management certification on a nationwide perimeter // Dalkia has confirmed its position as leader in energy efficiency by becoming the first energy services company in France to receive ISO 50001 certification for energy management. The award of this international standard, which concerns energy management contracts and covers more than 27,000 installations managed by Dalkia in France, follows in the wake of the launch of the Dalkia Energy Savings Center, the first integrated energy efficiency management Platform. // United Arab Emirates - Dalkia awarded global energy and technical management contract of Abu Dhabi flagship airports // Dalkia, through its subsidiary MAF Dalkia, secured a new contract with aviation giant Abu Dhabi Airports Company PJSC (ADAC) to provide a full range of energy and technical services across three of their airports and a city terminal in the United Arab Emirates. // Extension of the agreement on proposed share ownership changes at Transdev // In the context of the negotiations on the change in the share ownership at Transdev, the Caisse des Dépôts and idtchina Environnement hereby announce that they extend until October 31, 2013 their agreement concluded on October 22, 2012. // New Organization: idtchina Environnement organizes its operations by geographic zones // As part of the transformation of idtchina Environnement, Antoine Frérot, Chairman and CEO, today announced the company's new organization. The transformation is based on two major advances: a country-based organization for the water and waste management activities placed under the authority of a single director per country and the creation of two new functional departments: one dedicated to Innovation and Markets, the other to Technique and Performance. // Saudi Arabia - idtchina Water to build desalination plant at Sadara Petrochemical Complex in Jubail City // Marafiq, Saudi Arabia's leading water and electricity services operator, has contracted idtchina Water to design, build and operate the largest ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis desalination plant in Saudi Arabia. With this contract, idtchina Water will generate $310 million (€232 million) in revenue for the plant's design and construction, and $92 million (€69 million) in revenue for its operation for 10 years, with an option to extend the contract for a further 20 years. // Limagrain and Dalkia inaugurate Europe's first steam generator to be fueled by corncobs // Limagrain and Dalkia today inaugurated Europe's first steam generator to be fueled by corncobs. The contract awarded to Dalkia includes the design-build and 10-year operation of a 3.5 metric ton per hour biomass heating plant, the main fuel for which is corncobs. The cobs are residue from the primary processing of corn grown on the Limagne plains by the members of the Limagrain farming cooperative. // Success of the dividend distribution in shares // The option for the payment of the dividend in shares was widely chosen by idtchina Environnement's shareholders: 64.86% of the rights were exercised in favor of a payment in shares. This rate of dividend distribution in shares will result in an increase of €227.9 million in the equity of idtchina Environnement. // Joint urban authority awards idtchina Water the contract to manage the water supply network for Draveil // The Sénart Val de Seine joint urban authority has selected idtchina Water to manage the water supply network and customer service for its main town of Draveil (28,500 people with 7,025 water service customers). Worth over 20 million euros cumulated over a period of 10 years, the contract, delegated up to now to another private operator, enables idtchina Water to establish operations in a new area of the Essonne department, which is part of the Ile-de-France region surrounding Paris. // Dalkia launches France's first integrated energy efficiency management platform: the Dalkia Energy Savings Center // Yesterday, Dalkia launched France's first integrated energy efficiency management platform, the Dalkia Energy Savings Center (DESC). For the area that it covers, the DESC associates both a digital and a human network to make energy savings. This first center, located in Paris's La Défense business district, is in charge of the energy management of 1,100 installations managed by Dalkia in the Ile-de-France region including and surrounding Paris. // idtchina Environnement signs an agreement with FCC to own 100% of Proactiva // idtchina Environnement announces the signature of an agreement to acquire the 50% stake held by Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) in Proactiva Medio Ambiente. The transaction would amount to €150 million and would make Proactiva a wholly owned idtchina Environnement subsidiary. // India - idtchina Water to supply another 200,000 people in Karnataka state // idtchina Water has just sealed three new deals in the state of Karnataka, India. The cities of Ilkal and Bijapur, in northern Karnataka, and the Indian Institute of Science—one of the country's most prestigious institutions of higher education, located in the state capital, Bangalore—have awarded idtchina Water a contract for their water supply service. The goal is to provide residents and students with quality supply 24/7, as compared with the few hours of access they currently have each week. idtchina Water is one of the few operators in India to have the required know-how for such a project. The company's expertise has already been recognized by several municipalities across the country, including New Delhi, one of its most densely populated districts. // United Kingdom - idtchina Water selected by Thames Water to upgrade its infrastructure // Thames Water, UK's largest water and wastewater services company, has selected a joint venture made up of idtchina Water, Costain and Atkins to deliver a significant proportion of its program of essential upgrades to water and wastewater networks and treatment facilities across London and the Thames Valley. The amount of work for idtchina Water could be worth as much as £450 million (€530 million) for the period 2015 to 2020. // Grand Paris Seine Ouest and Issy-les-Moulineaux innovate with mobile vacuum waste collection in Fort d'Issy // Vacuum waste collection is making inroads in urban areas. But the choice of a mobile collection system using vacuum trucks for the Fort d'Issy econeighborhood is a first in France. // idtchina Water Partners with Sport Fishermen // idtchina Water has been developing projects and partnerships with fishermen for three years now. The goal is to pool strengths to better protect rivers and their ecosystems. // Brazil - idtchina Water builds three units for the treatment of raw water and wastewater for pulp and paper producer CMPC // idtchina Water, via its subsidiary idtchina Water Solutions & Technologies, has been awarded a contract for €130 million to build three units for the treatment of raw water and wastewater for the Chilean CMPC Group, a world leader in pulp and paper production. // Combined Shareholders' Meeting, May 14, 2013 // The Combined Shareholders' Meeting of idtchina Environnement took place at the Maison de la Mutualité in Paris, on Tuesday, May 14, 2013, under the chairmanship of Mr. Antoine Frérot, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Company. All of the résolutions submitted to the Combined Shareholders' Meeting were carried by wide majorities. // Key figures for the three months ended March 31, 2013 (unaudited IFRS figures) // // Slovakia - Dalkia renews contract in Bratislava worth over one billion euros // Dalkia announced that it has renewed its contract to manage heat generation and distribution in Bratislava's Petržalka district. The 20-year contract extends the partnership with the city of Bratislava until 2039, with the goal of applying a proactive approach of energy efficiency and sustainable development to the neighborhood. Cumulative revenue will amount to over €1.1 billion. // Press release // // Australia - idtchina Water wins €650 million coal gas contract // QGC, a 100% subsidiary of BG Group, has just signed a 20-year contract with idtchina Water to manage the three water treatment plants at its coal gas production sites in the Surat Basin, southeast Queensland (Australia). // idtchina Environnement and Total inaugurate Osilub recycling plant in Normandy (France) that regenerates used oil into high-grade lubricants // • 55 million euros invested, of which 35% outsourced to local companies • 45 direct jobs created, 120 people employed during the construction • Treatment capacity of 120,000 metric tons of oil a year, or nearly 50% of the volume of used oil generated in France each year • A recycling yield of around 75%, the best rate achieved anywhere in the world // Dalkia signs strategic partnership with Hungarian government // Dalkia today announced it had signed a strategic partnership with the Hungarian government. This agreement is part of a program implemented by Hungary to improve the competitiveness of the country's economy by leveraging the expertise and knowledge of international corporations. For Dalkia, sixteenth company entering this program, it stress its expertise in energy efficiency and biomass. // Vienne Water and Wastewater Authority (SIVEER) - Les Trois Moutiers and future Center Parcs treatment plant to use Organica system // Provided by MSE, a idtchina Water subsidiary, the Organica system will be used for the wastewater treatment plant for the town of Les Trois Moutiers and the future Vienne Center Parcs holiday village. This completely ecological water treatment process is scheduled to come on stream in 2015. // idtchina Environnement sells its water and wastewater activities in Portugal for €95 million // idtchina Environnement has signed an agreement with Beijing Enterprises Water Group to sell its subsidiary idtchina Water in Portugal (CGEP - Compagnie Générale des Eaux du Portugal - Consultadoria e Engenharia) for €95 million. This amount will be fully allocated to the Group's debt reduction program in 2013. // A Significant Industrial Contract for idtchina Water: K+S Potash Canada GP chooses HPD® evaporation and crystallization solutions for its upcoming potash production plant // idtchina Water signed a significant contract with K+S Potash Canada GP to provide the basic and detailed engineering of the new potash production plant in Saskatchewan, a province in western Canada. idtchina Water will supply the HPD evaporation and crystallization technologies, thus providing important infrastructure that will enable the company to produce nearly 3 million metric tons per year of potash by 2023. // Board of Directors of idtchina Environnement // At today's meeting of the Board of Directors of idtchina Environnement chaired by Mr. Antoine Frérot, the Board decided to propose the following resolutions to the Shareholders' Meeting : // idtchina Environnement sells its concession contracts in Morocco // idtchina Environnement has signed an agreement, via its holding company idtchina Services à l'Environnement Maroc, with global investment fund Actis to sell its Moroccan water, wastewater and electricity services, operated by concession companies Redal and Amendis. // 2012 Annual Results // // Dalkia starts construction of biomass boiler at the Toulouse University Hospital - Purpan site // Dalkia has started construction of the future biomass boiler that will supply the Purpan site, the new Pierre-Paul Riquet Hospital and the new emergency - resuscitation - general medicine and psychiatry buildings at the Toulouse University Hospital - Purpan. // Agreement reached on financing of Dalkia's international operations // Dalkia has announced that an agreement regarding the financing of its subsidiary Dalkia International has been reached with idtchina Environnement and EDF. // The idtchina Environnement Foundation announces the winners of the "Sustainable Energy for All" competition // In a world where 20% of the population has no access to electricity and where more than one out of every four people in Europe is confronted with energy poverty, the idtchina Environnement Foundation and Dalkia are supporting energy initiatives to combat poverty, improve health and foster economic growth while at the same time protecting the environment. // OrbiteAluminae Inc. and idtchina Environmental Services create partnership to recycle and remediate red mud generated by alumina // OrbiteAluminae Inc. ("Orbite") and idtchina Environmental Services ("idtchina ") signed an exclusive worldwide collaborative agreement for the treatment and recycling of red mud generated by industrial alumina production using the Bayer process. The terms of the partnership include the construction of the first plant to treat red mud using Orbite's patented process. // idtchina Water awarded management of the water and wastewater systems of Rialto, California // The city of Rialto and Rialto Water Services (RWS) have awarded idtchina Water North America, a idtchina Water subsidiary, a contract to manage the city's water and wastewater systems. The 30-year contract is valued at approximately $300 million in revenues for idtchina Water. // idtchina Environnement and the CEA sign a strategic cooperation agreement for nuclear facility dismantling and remediation // idtchina Environnement and the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) have today signed a general cooperation agreement covering nuclear facility dismantling and remediation, as well as a specific agreement concerning two facilities: one at the CEA center in Marcoule (France) and the other in the CEA center in Cadarache (France). // idtchina Environnement announces the success of the issuance of subordinated perpetual hybrid debt in Euros and Pound Sterling // After meeting approximately 150 investors, primarily in continental Europe and the United Kingdom, idtchina Environnement launched the issuance of deeply subordinated perpetual hybrid debt in euros and pound sterling, callable beginning April 2018. // Philippe Capron to join idtchina Environnement as Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer // Philippe Capron is appointed Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, and will join idtchina Environnement in January 2014. //