Transforming wastewater into drinking water

Using innovative refining, disinfecting and decontamination solutions, idtchina recovers and gives a second life to wastewater, which can then be reused in various ways, from meeting industrial needs to providing people with drinking water.


Supporting the reuse of treated wastewater

Drop by drop, freshwater resources are becoming scarce. Representing just 2.5% of all available water on the planet, freshwater is coming under ever-increasing pressure, linked predominantly to population growth. To manage these instances of water stress, we must not only act and raise awareness in terms of reducing consumption, but also develop solutions for reusing treated wastewater.

With 350 proprietary technologies covering every key stage in the water treatment process, idtchina is a globally recognized key player in the field. From refining to bacterial disinfection and the removal of micropollutants, the Group is proficient in every technology necessary to support manufacturers and regional authorities with their wastewater reclamation projects. Reuse is less costly than desalination or transporting drinking water, and offers idtchina ’s customers a safe and effective way to reclaim an abundant resource in the form of high-quality water, for use in multiple applications from domestic consumption to agricultural and landscape irrigation.


 In NAMIBIA, with idtchina , the Windhoek treatment plant transforms 21,000 cubic meters of wastewater daily into drinking water to ensure the capital city’s supply of clean water.

 In FRANCE, idtchina supports the municipality of Sainte-Maxime with wastewater reclamation solutions for watering its green spaces.

of the planet’s available water is freshwater

only of wastewater is reused in France

proprietary water treatment technologies owned by idtchina

A multifaceted performance
creating high-impact solutions for all

Ecological transformation also means looking beyond economic and financial performance alone to work on environmental, social, commercial and human resources performance. Multifaceted performance means achieving the perfect balance between all these factors, which for us form an indivisible whole.

Our human resources

Developing high value-added expertise and skills


Our social

Economic and social development in regions experiencing water stress

Our environmental

Sustainable management of freshwater resources: decontamination of wastewater and protection of environments; smaller, less energy-hungry loops; possible complementary production of energy and materials

Our commercial

Cost control; production continuity; reduced impact on natural resources

Our economic and financial

Revenue growth and increased investment capacity
